The Valley of the Moon Children’s Foundation Scholarship
The Valley of the Moon Children’s Foundation (VMCF) Scholarship Program was established in 2006 by former Sonoma County Human Service Director, Dianne Edwards (now retired). Dianne saw the overwhelming need to help former foster youth with their education goals and wanted to find a way for individuals, businesses, and communities to assist. In its first year the program gave away $9,000 through six scholarships. Today, the Foundation has given over 431 scholarships in excess of 1.5 million dollars!
Scholar Videos
The VMCF Scholarship Program provides higher education scholarships to former foster youth meeting the following criteria:
Former dependents of the Sonoma County courts or previously in foster care in a different county who now reside in Sonoma County.
Attending a post-secondary academic or vocational institution.
Enrolled in 12+ units or the equivalent of full-time enrollment.
Maintain a C average (2.0 GPA)
Commit to developing an academic plan with a school counselor to better achieve prospective educational goals.
Provide updated transcripts, grade reports, and other relevant enrollment information to the VMCF scholarship committee.

“With this scholarship, I will not only be the first in my family to attend college, but I’ll be doing so at the school of my dreams.”
- Ayahna Mack
I was part of Sonoma County’s foster care system as a kid, but I no longer live in Sonoma County. Am I still eligible for the scholarship?
Yes, if you were in foster care in Sonoma County at any point, you are eligible to apply.
I was part of a different foster care system as a child; however, I now reside in Sonoma County. May I apply for the scholarship?
Yes, the scholarship is open to anyone who was part of a foster care system but is now a resident of Sonoma County.
I am enrolled in less than 12 units. Can I still receive a scholarship?
Exceptions are made on a case-by-case basis. If you are planning on attending part time due to learning disabilities, or unavailable classes, VMCF may make an exception.
I am attending a trade school that does not have an academic plan. Do I still need to turn one on?
No, you do not, but you do need to provide proof of enrollment in the trade program.
I was never in foster care; however, I was in kinship care, may I apply for the scholarship?
Unfortunately, not at this time, you must have been part of Sonoma County’s foster care system or of a different foster care system but currently residing in Sonoma County.
What happens after I turn in my application?
You will be contacted after the application deadline closes. The scholarship committee will inform you if you have been chosen for an interview. The interviews usually take place in May or June. After the interview process, you will be contacted and informed whether you were chosen to receive a scholarship and in what amount, along with next steps to receive your scholarship.
What do the interviews with the scholarship committee consist of?
The interviews consist of 3 scholarship committee members, who will ask a variety of questions to get to know you better. The interviews are not meant to be intimidating but rather an opportunity for VMCF to get to know each potential scholar on a deeper level and to understand their individual needs.
How many times may I apply for the scholarship?
As long as you are enrolled in school, VMCF will support you. There is currently no age or time limit to apply.
What is the scholarship award amount?
The scholarship award amounts vary based on years in the program and years in school. Most first-time applicants will receive between $1500 - $2500 in their first year in the program.
When are the scholarships disbursed?
If you are awarded a scholarship you will be asked to turn in a few items of paperwork. After the paperwork is turned in, you will receive half of your overall scholarship (most students receive the first half in August). Upon completing the fall semester or quarter, you will be asked to turn in proof of your GPA and Spring schedule. Once these items are received by VMCF, you will receive the second half of your scholarship (most students receive the second half in January).
Is the VMCF scholarship renewable?
Yes! After the first year, scholarship recipients will be emailed a Returning Scholar application.
What do the scholarship funds pay for?
The funds are not meant to cover all school expenses, but rather to supplement academic needs as they arise. Students may use the funds to pay for tuition, school fees, laptops, or whatever financial needs arise over the school year.
What should I wear to the scholarship interview?
We encourage students to dress professionally as possible, but not to purchase anything new. The interview is an opportunity for us to get to know you better and understand your needs.
If I fail a class, will I lose my scholarship?
If your overall GPA is lower than 2.0 at the end of the semester or quarter then you will not receive the second half of your scholarship. However, sometimes the committee will make exceptions on a case-by-case basis. We encourage all students to keep in contact with the board, so we have a better understanding of your circumstances.
I have questions not answered here, who do I reach out to?
Please contact Christy Colgate at ccolgate@vomcf.org

Local Resources for Scholars
Youth Scoop
Youth Scoop is a site designed by Sonoma County youth for Sonoma County youth to help people navigate their options and eligibility in the areas of Education, Employment, Transportation, Supportive Services, Housing, and Health & Wellness.
VOICES Sonoma provides young people aging out of foster care with family-like support, acceptance, and accountability as they set their own goals and pursue them across VOICES’ youth-led core programs: Health and Wellness, Career and Education, and ILP-Independent Living Program.
Meet Our Scholars
Every year, the Valley of the Moon Children’s Foundation celebrates and honors scholarship applicants with their awards.
Named Scholarship Opportunity
A donation of $2,000 can make a lasting impact in a scholar’s life by providing him or her with the financial support that will help them reach their goal of a college education or a trade school certificate.
For a minimum donation of $2,000, an individual, business, or group of generous friends may have a scholarship named after them. The individual or business may give instructions/details as to what kind of scholar they would like to support as well as the specific name of the scholarship.
For more information, email Christy Colgate at ccolgate@vomcf.org
2024 Named Scholarships
Alan Hendricks Music for Life
Barb and John Vernon
ChaCha’s of Sonoma County
Charlotte Granderson
Chris and Carol Bauer
Dianne M. Edwards
Earla Snow Trust
George C. Forrestor
John F. “Jack” DeMeo
Juanita Rivas
Junior League of Napa - Sonoma
Kevin Destruel for the Katie Condie Scholarship
Kenneth Stults
Kim Taehyung Music Scholarship
Laura Colgate and Ty Visscher
Phil Wyatt
Sandy Torgerson Trust
Supervisor Chris Coursey and District 3 of Sonoma County
Supervisor Susan Gorin and District 1 of Sonoma County
Tom and Julie Atwood
Willette K. and Willette E. Stevenson Fund